Saturday, January 18, 2003

...reading about peoples thoughts on the Second Bush War. Amazing how many people miss the big picture. Bush #1 was smarter than his son. As least Bush#1 knew enough about international relations to know that we need the cooperation of Arab and Islamic Nations. And the first Persian Gulf war was about pushing Saddam out of Kuwait, not meddling in the affairs of other nations or trying to overthrow a dictator. Absolutely amazing that Bush #2 has such a hard-on for war that he disregards what is best for America. Find Bin Laden first. Then lets talk about Saddam. Who will replace Saddam? IF we choose that person, then he lacks credibility and may be overthrown much like the Shah of Iran was. I sorta feel bad for Bush #2, the way the "War on Terrorism" has gone, the way the economy is in the toilet (and has been since BEFORE 9-11), all he needs now is Persian Gulf War #2 to seal his fate and he will follow in his daddy's footsteps. Well whatever happens, dont blame me, I accidently voted for Pat Buchanan......
what a way to spend saturday, going in to help someone at work most of the day. We still have a lot to do, but its coming along nicely. I will sleep in tomorrow. Then I can get some things done around the house. Plus buy some more workout clothes and a brace for my knee, before it pops out. I still need to burn a copy of a few games to send to Cheyenne. Just cant seem to get them to work out just write. Damn copy protection. When I get my next computer I will fix this one up to just copy and edit music, and movies. Well time to make some dinner and enjoy whats left of my saturday.

Friday, January 17, 2003

friday just couldnt get any better, watching Fastlane and Tiffani Theisen has to go undercover into a lesbian bar, and its a movie lesbian bar, so of course the women are hot, yanno, and of course the hot tub scene whoa, super hot, heheh. Probably read and get to bed early tonight. I have to head into the office and finish a project. It will make up for some biggg time mistakes I made this week. Well not so much mistakes as much as things beyond my control crashing down. Nothing I cant handle though. Its a gift really. The gods of moderate fortune smile on me. Now if only the gods of good fortune would stop screening my calls and really shower me with great things....damn caller id.

Thursday, January 16, 2003

...well so much for going home and relaxing and watching tv. Instead went to the gym for a couple hours and worked out. Feels great but I dont want to get home at 10pm every night. I will probably be up late now, no big deal, will just mean going in late tomorrow. I really need to work from home, just use my computer, and do my thing in my pj's in peace and quiet....ah well I can dream cant I?
at work right now, and am freekin tired already. Cant believe all I have to do to earn a piddly paycheck. Things are really heating up at work, pressure is on. But I like it that way. Over the past year here, my work ethic has suffered, as well as my sanity. But I have seen these cycles before. High pressure and a lets work together attitude, and then once we hit the wall and have obstacles from the corp. pres. thrown at us and our hands tied by his indecision and funky logic, we give up and slack. But who knows, perhaps cycles like that can be good things, either at work or in a relationship. Provided there isnt a drastic shift. Otherwise, forget it...But I am hopeful that by the end of June I can squeeze another 15% raise from them while at the same time further strengthening my position. Which is key....All I look forward to now is going home and watching Scrubs and having a good laugh. That show is funny and the characters are well played. Was disappointed that South Park was a repeat last night. Though it was well worth it since it was the episode where they nominate John Edwards for Biggest Douche in the Universe. The message of those shows are always dead on. Even through all the poop jokes, it has a smart way of getting things out there..and out there is certainly the best way to describe that show....

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Wednesday...hump day...well ok not really, because I need to go into work on Saturday to take care of a project. I wont complain though, after all, it will make up for my slacking last week. :) One of our vendor reps came out to go over some reports and figures for the past year and to see what else she could do for us. I could think of a few things...but I was happy enough to have a hot older woman pay for lunch. mmmm older women. We were talking over lunch and I had mentioned I turned 30 this month, and she said I didnt look it, and that she just turned 37. Such a perfect age for a woman, there is just something about women when they are 35-40 that just doesnt apply to younger women. I would rather have a 36 yr old than two 18 yr olds.Of course, it pretty much stops there, cuz I would rather have two 36 yr old women, than one 72 yr old woman---that just wont be happening until I am in my 80's, lost my hair, teeth and am wearing diapers again.

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

....ah home at last. Spent quite a bit of time at work today. Had a lot of things to do, so I stayed late, chances are I will go in early tomorrow to get even more accomplished. Plus I have another meeting tomorrow, this time a lunch meeting with a verndor rep. And while TINSTAAFL, I certainly wont be paying for this one..
2oozeday....wish I could stay home and goof off today. But I am too responsible to neglect things. At least some breakfast will wake me up. Stayed up late last night, after I got off the phone I watched this funny-ass show on Comedy Central called Trigger Happy TV. I have been watching it a lot the past couple weeks. It is terrific. Its British and has a very odd sense of quiet comedy to some skits, but then others are just right out there. Like when they have guys dressed as animals doing crazy stuff, last night they had a hidden camera in a movie theater, and it was pretty crowded, two guys in big rabbit costumes sit down and start having wild and loud bunny-sex right there. The animal costumes always crack me up. I am sure that spending many of my formative years at Disneyland may have something to do with it....

Monday, January 13, 2003

whew! Just got home from the gym. Had a good workout. It really helps to have someone to work out with, keep you motivated. My buddy Alex really did a good job of keeping me on track. I am looking forward to getting a good schedule and routine down. Knee still hurts like hell--- "...maybe a little morphine will help..."--- Woke up bright and early, thank you Cheyenne :) Got off to a good start and very productive day at work. Though I imagine I will be up late reading and unable to unwind after working out so late. But I can always scoot into work a lil later than usual. Well, time for some light food, a hot shower and deep relaxation.

Sunday, January 12, 2003

....Got a lot done so far, still more to go. I need to buy some boxes and storage containers for the things in the garage and others I dont use too often. This project will allow me to get things ready for this spring, I plan on fixing up the garage and the rest of the place so we can have more BBQ's. Plus it should make it easier to move if everything is already packed and ready to go...Knee is killing me today, took some aspirin, helped a little. Need to go to the gym and strengthen the muscles around it. I miss going to clubs and dancing. Used to have so much fun, heheh....ah the good ole days......Well time to relax and prepare for the week ahead, have lots to do at work, setting up our Seattle office. Course I dont get to travel. But I plan on changing that later this year. Alias is on tonight, that is a good show, even if Jennifer Garner wasnt such a hottie...ah I need to find a warm soft woman and make her mine..course she needs to be relaxed, not uptight, or closeminded. Oh yah and intelligent. Some guy at work had a catalog for Russian brides, i thought that was funny, but hmmm maybe mail order is the way to go. Of Course I have to be aware that contents may settle during shipping.
Ah sunday, still doing some cleaning and organizing as well as relaxing. Should be a good week, after all I get paid on Friday and dont have any more bills to pay, so it will be nice to save a whole paycheck. Things are certainly looking up...Though it would be nice to have a house by now. When I went to my Aunt and Uncles place friday, it was amazing what they have done with that place. They just moved into a house in the summer, and it needed a lot of work. It looks great so far. I think it would be nice (as well as a lot of work) to find a fixer-uper and make it into a dream house. Having already gone through the process and bought a new house, it would be nice to find an existing home and make changes, kinda of like sculpting.....