I just got home after dropping off my car. I hate to leave work early to deal with car issues or anything like that. It just seems like such a waste. I don't mind skipping out early to go somewhere fun, that makes any flack you take worth it. But it's bad enough dealing with a car issue and then some jackass at work is going to give you flack for leaving work an hour early. Though the gods know they don't give you any grief when you stay an hour or two later. Funny how that works out.
Lucky for me that a friend at work was kind enough to follow me as I dropped off my car, and then took me home. All of which is out of the way as he has to drive down to San Diego and he would have been home by now if he didn't go out of his way. I said it a while ago, but finding some good friends is worth a lot of the crap at work.
So I re-read my post from last night thinking I should check to make sure I didn't slur too much. But other than using "shaked" their hands rather than the correct shook, I didn't do too bad. Of course I always want to go back and see if I also got too crazy, but hell with it. Think what you like. After reading that article in TIME about blogs I was disappointed that there was no mention of the First Amendment or any comparisons to the early days of the personal presses.
My knees ache, it tends to happen after much drinking. So I think I will take a nap and relax for a bit. That may just make leaving work early worth it.
Friday, June 18, 2004
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Drinking loosens the tongue and the soul. Anyone who knows me knows my tongue is usually pretty loose anyway. I kept it pretty much in check tonight. Some of us gathered for a 'going away party' for this chick at work. Same one I asked out a couple weeks ago, who said yes, but was too chickenshit to just balls up and say no. WTF. Seriously just say No if you mean no. I am a grown man, sort of. And I can handle it if someone says no. But to say yes, then don't call back. C'mon. But I also knew better at the time. I had seen enough to know that the basics of honesty and honor, as well as common decency just weren't there. But I took the step anyway. Usually I don't mix work and pleasure. In fact it has been over 8 years since I last asked out someone I worked with.
Anyway, so this party was weak. I had fun up to a point and should have left at that point. Somehow this guy and I were stuck at one of the tables and the table next to us had the purses of a couple chicks we work with. Oh and yah chicks. So deal with it. Women they aren't. Hot chicks they aren't. I don't know, what exactly.
Anyhoo, so a buddy says lets go outside on the patio, and my nice guy in me said, aw shucks no, what about the purses. But the other guy in me, said "hey hell with them, it's been over 20 minutes and they have been outside chillin, so screw em, if their purses mean anything let them get them."
So we come back and everyone has moved, and the one chick I can't stand gives me weak attitude about the purses. She is too chickenshit to say anything directly, just like at work. She says indirect things, but I don't sweat it. I play the Fonz and just act cool. Cuz to hell with them or anyone else who expects me to watch their shit.
So we all chill and drink, have a good time. Talking to this other hot chick from work and her hot lesbian girlfriend and just having fun. Again, I have no illusions, I am at my talkative and superfriendly level at this point.
So a few people leave and somehow I get stuck on table duty again, as the chick I asked out is dancing with two other guys I work with. And I am just all alone. I am thinking how the hell did this happen? And it's getting late, I have to work tomorrow, I am not drinking anymore, and everyone else has gone home. So fuck it, I walk through the crowded dance floor, shaked hands with the 2 guys, hand the chick her purse and shake her hand as she gives me some bullshit look, and I am outtie.
Why do I even bother? My judgement and instincts said avoid this crap. Listen to it. Listen to it. My gut never fails me when I listen to it and do as I should.
So now it's just rant and listen to Seaweed, then off to bed.
And now I have to deal with car bullshit tomorrow and Saturday rather than drive up to see my dad for father's day. Don't ever buy a Hyundai or ask someone out when you know they are trouble anyway. Eitherway it ends in headaches. At least the car has a warranty.
Anyway, so this party was weak. I had fun up to a point and should have left at that point. Somehow this guy and I were stuck at one of the tables and the table next to us had the purses of a couple chicks we work with. Oh and yah chicks. So deal with it. Women they aren't. Hot chicks they aren't. I don't know, what exactly.
Anyhoo, so a buddy says lets go outside on the patio, and my nice guy in me said, aw shucks no, what about the purses. But the other guy in me, said "hey hell with them, it's been over 20 minutes and they have been outside chillin, so screw em, if their purses mean anything let them get them."
So we come back and everyone has moved, and the one chick I can't stand gives me weak attitude about the purses. She is too chickenshit to say anything directly, just like at work. She says indirect things, but I don't sweat it. I play the Fonz and just act cool. Cuz to hell with them or anyone else who expects me to watch their shit.
So we all chill and drink, have a good time. Talking to this other hot chick from work and her hot lesbian girlfriend and just having fun. Again, I have no illusions, I am at my talkative and superfriendly level at this point.
So a few people leave and somehow I get stuck on table duty again, as the chick I asked out is dancing with two other guys I work with. And I am just all alone. I am thinking how the hell did this happen? And it's getting late, I have to work tomorrow, I am not drinking anymore, and everyone else has gone home. So fuck it, I walk through the crowded dance floor, shaked hands with the 2 guys, hand the chick her purse and shake her hand as she gives me some bullshit look, and I am outtie.
Why do I even bother? My judgement and instincts said avoid this crap. Listen to it. Listen to it. My gut never fails me when I listen to it and do as I should.
So now it's just rant and listen to Seaweed, then off to bed.
And now I have to deal with car bullshit tomorrow and Saturday rather than drive up to see my dad for father's day. Don't ever buy a Hyundai or ask someone out when you know they are trouble anyway. Eitherway it ends in headaches. At least the car has a warranty.
Monday, June 14, 2004
I think the tide is beginning to turn against Bush jr. More and more it seems as though things are falling apart for the Bush Administration. Now Michael Moore has finally found someone to distribute his latest movie, "Fahrenheit 9/11" due out on June 25th. I think it's great that the movie is able to get out there before the election. Which of course is part of Moore's goal. At times he can be a little scary with his rabid chase of certain issues. It can even be very off-putting. But then I remember that at least he is out there saying things that other people just won't speak out about. Of course sooner or later if people will tune him out. I think a large part of it is image. But even if he were a clean cut guy who dressed decently, his message still makes some people actually think. And most people don't like to think. They like to be told what to believe in. Having to choose between different beliefs or viewpoints usually cause great anxiety.
Luckily Moore is not the only one speaking out. Retired General David Hackworth has the experience and credentials to keep most sane people from questioning his patriotism.
Of course everyone has their own agenda, and that is why most people just choose to stick to one viewpoint. On one side we have the "Reagan is evil" group and on the other we have that group that believes, as my roommate put it "Reagan shits gold and his farts smell like peppermint."
Nothing is ever just that absolute.
Oh, except for the fact that Bush jr. is a nutjob. That is just a fact.
Luckily Moore is not the only one speaking out. Retired General David Hackworth has the experience and credentials to keep most sane people from questioning his patriotism.
Of course everyone has their own agenda, and that is why most people just choose to stick to one viewpoint. On one side we have the "Reagan is evil" group and on the other we have that group that believes, as my roommate put it "Reagan shits gold and his farts smell like peppermint."
Nothing is ever just that absolute.
Oh, except for the fact that Bush jr. is a nutjob. That is just a fact.
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Sometimes even I wonder why I watch half the movies that I do. Partly I think it is just a quest for knowledge and a desire to view as much of the cinematic arts as possible. I have seen some horrible movies, movies that I went into knowing just how awful they were. And not even because I liked the basic story, or the setting, or some hot actress. No, none of those things would ever explain why I watched Kangaroo Jack or other films like it.
I had already read the reviews of "Chronicles of Riddick" on several sites, my favorite being Mr. Cranky's review. And I found myself still drawn to the movie today. Partly because the whole Sci-Fi thing, but also I was just bored. Now Mr. Cranky was correct there is little to no science involved in this movie. I mean Riddick douses himself with water before going into the sunlight to brave the 700 degree heat. Yah, that's right. But at the end of the movie, I realized what they did. They stole "Conan the Barbarian." The last scene is what made it all the more obvious, but if you piece it all together, it is a basic rip off of Conan. But it did have the very hot Alexa Davalos playing Sandahl Bergman...er I mean Kyra.
Anyway the movie is so loosely thrown together that very little makes sense, the physics and the logic of it all are so absent that one has to wonder if there was any thought put into any of this beyond the creepy armor/ships of the Necromongers.
Sometimes, I think I watch things like this just to know how it shouldn't be done. I have always preferred to learn from the mistakes of others. Not that I will make movies, though at one time I gave it some thought. No, some people like to taste wines, others collect stamps,etc. I however like to watch a lot of movies. I don't watch all of them, just the ones that look mildly interesting or perhaps amusing. Though that still doesn't answer why the hell I watched Kangaroo Jack.
I had already read the reviews of "Chronicles of Riddick" on several sites, my favorite being Mr. Cranky's review. And I found myself still drawn to the movie today. Partly because the whole Sci-Fi thing, but also I was just bored. Now Mr. Cranky was correct there is little to no science involved in this movie. I mean Riddick douses himself with water before going into the sunlight to brave the 700 degree heat. Yah, that's right. But at the end of the movie, I realized what they did. They stole "Conan the Barbarian." The last scene is what made it all the more obvious, but if you piece it all together, it is a basic rip off of Conan. But it did have the very hot Alexa Davalos playing Sandahl Bergman...er I mean Kyra.
Anyway the movie is so loosely thrown together that very little makes sense, the physics and the logic of it all are so absent that one has to wonder if there was any thought put into any of this beyond the creepy armor/ships of the Necromongers.
Sometimes, I think I watch things like this just to know how it shouldn't be done. I have always preferred to learn from the mistakes of others. Not that I will make movies, though at one time I gave it some thought. No, some people like to taste wines, others collect stamps,etc. I however like to watch a lot of movies. I don't watch all of them, just the ones that look mildly interesting or perhaps amusing. Though that still doesn't answer why the hell I watched Kangaroo Jack.
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