Saturday, August 23, 2003

OJ Simpson saying he feels bad for Scott Peterson. I know if I was accused of murdering my wife and unborn child the last thing in the world I would want is a testimonial from OJ Simpson. That is like the kiss of death.

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Watching 60 Minutes and they are doing a story on the Biological Clock for women. These people are stupid they think you can give birth in your 40's and even up to 55 years old. And supposedly 90% of professional men think similar things about women's ability to have children. WTF. I learned all this shit when I was in High School. Why don't people know their own bodies? It's like this girl at work , I say girl but she is like 27 and she didnt know that women are born with all the eggs they are ever going to have. Unlike men who make sperm daily and as such have to release it daily.(if we are lucky anyway) Even if a woman's body is capable of having kids into 40's why raise a kid at that age. Its not fair to the kids. Women who have kids in their 40's tend to increase chance of Down's Syndrome and why not adopt instead of taking massive doses of fertility drugs. If I don't have kids by the time I am 35, that's it. I don't want to have to cash my Social Security checks to give my kid money to see a movie.
Oh and if Andy Rooney is showing off his swollen hands, you'd think he'd have the sense to get his fingernails cut. C'mon you can afford a damn manicure.