Thursday, July 29, 2004

John Kerry more than exceeded my expectations tonight. Prior to his speech, I was going to vote for him as the Anti-Bush candidate, but now I will be voting for John Kerry the candidate. He hit all the points, and refuted a lot of the tax and spend liberal crap we are always fed by the media and the right. He did a good job of continuing with the Democrats message of returning America to its greatness here and abroad and of being the party of inclusiveness and optimism. It was brilliant really the way that Kerry used Bush jr's message of returning integrity to the White House against Bush. He took off the gloves, threw down the gauntlet and threw a few jabs, but kept it pretty civil and challenged Bush to do the same, knowing that Bush won't.
       The Vietnam service thing is getting old, but then again, he wouldn't need to trot that pony out so often if the Republicans weren't always calling into question the patriotism and courage of Democrats all the time. So just remember that as you hear the whole boat and captain thing and think how many times Democrats/Liberals are portrayed as wimps. Thank the gods, Clark was able to get in there and kick some ass too.
        The optimism and belief in progress and building a better future are good messages and attitudes that will inspire people to get up and vote.  This was a remarkable convention in just how strong the themes were and how effective they addressed some issues that usually haunt Democrats. The fact that people like Barack Obama and John Kerry did their best not to attack Republicans, but rather specific people or ideas may be derided by some as too centrist. However I think in the long run it may do what Reagan did and this time around instead of Reagan Democrats, we may just have some Kerry Republicans.
          When I think of Bush and the direction he will lead us, I feel demoralized. But when I hear speeches like those given this week, I am lifted and energized with a feeling of hope for this country and it's people.  There just may be a way out of this mess and we can get back to living with hope and pride not fear and hatred.
       If I sound like I have been brainwashed, then just watch some of the speeches and think about how much better things will be if Bush goes on permanent vacation.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

I love this. Hearing speeches that stir the soul and fill me with energy and hope for America. Tonight was no different than yesterday, this time it was the keynote speech delivered by a man who quite possibly will become the biggest rising star in politics, Barack Obama. If you didn't hear him tonight you missed something great, Frank Capra could not have created a better scene. But don't think that means this was artificial, it was very clear that Barack speaks from the heart. Read this speech and you will see what I mean.
       Did you read it yet? You will be hearing a lot about him over the next few days and the speech he gave.  If I didn't have such a good memory I might have forgotten that anyone else spoke tonight. Ron jr. spoke about stem cell research and kept it very bipartisan except for the final implied message to vote for Kerry.  I wonder who if anyone has even mentioned the name Bush? Seems they all refer to him without mentioning him. Sensible of course, but still odd.
       Teresa Heinz Kerry spoke at length about her husband, John Kerry but she focused more on policy than personality.  But she also painted a picture that has become the theme for this convention, that Democrats want to restore America to it's position as the role model and hero of the world, not the bully or greedy fat cat.  Again and again the speeches recall the greatness of America and the ideals for which we should truely fight for.  It seems to be successful and a brialliant way to energize lapsed Democrats.  A call for Democrats to not be ashamed to be called Democrats, or even use the dreaded "L" word.  Liberalism is one of the great foundations of this nation, the root word is liberalis which means free.  Some of the definitions :

1. broad-minded: tolerant of different views and standards of behavior in others
2. politics progressive politically or socially: favoring gradual reform, especially political reforms that extend democracy, distribute wealth more evenly, and protect the personal freedom of the individual
3. generous: generous with money, time, or some other assetMy great-aunt was liberal in her bequests.
4. history of political liberalism: relating to a political ideology of liberalism
liberal person: somebody who favors tolerance or reform
[14th century. Via French from Latin liberalis , from liber  “free” (source of English

Doesn't sound bad to me.


Monday, July 26, 2004

WOW. That's just incredible, Jimmy Carter just kicked ass with his speech and came out swinging at Bush jr. and the rest. Not only in his speech but in his post-speech interview with Jim Leher on PBS.
       And the Clintons, WOW. They kicked ass too.  They weren't negative for the most part. They were optimistic and forward thinking as they always have been.  I have always loved listening to Bill Clinton's speeches.  Sure they can drag on, but he is damn good.  If you didn't catch his speech, you missed him at his best. He pointed out that he is now a millionaire and how tax cuts help him and people like him, but that most Americans end up paying for it.  Pure genius he is doing what I keep wishing Kerry would have done, point out you are rich. Don't move away from it. Embrace it, but make it the reason why you dedicate yourself to public service.  To give back to America, to not take a tax cut, because hell you can afford to pay an extra $2,000 in taxes but the guy who makes $35,000 a year can't afford to.
     I get so jazzed about politics when their are good politicians out there to watch. I have been looking forward to this fight for a long time now. This election and the summer Olympics are the two things I am excited to watch this year.
      Carter is right and so is Clinton, this is a great country and we deserve leaders who keep it great. Not leaders who sully the ideals that this nation was founded on.  We need to lead by example as any real leader does.
     This should be one hell of an election.