Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Time really has gone by so quickly the past few months. Summer is right around the corner. I am looking forward to it. I plan on spending more time going away on the weekends and taking mini-vacations. As well as going on a good 5 day vacation twice a year.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Surprisingly, my absence of recent blogs means that I have been busy and having some type of social life. That and what time I spend on the computer lately has been about burning CD's and listening to music more. Though I should also be doing some filing and cleaning. My desk is a mess. I would love to have a nice two bedroom apartment, then I could have an office where I could be more organized and have everything I need in one place. Which reminds me, I need to clean out some things in the garage. I can't find some audio tapes, and I want to convert some of them to WAV or MP3 format, before the tapes fall apart. Mostly music from old friends when I used to hang out with musicians and arty types. Seems like every weekend one of our friends' would be playing somewhere. As soon as I got into a steady relationship I skipped that scene and allowed my life to follow someone elses schedule and patterns. Something which I regret to a degree. But it was one of life's lessons, and I have always been pretty good about learning from them. I plan on spending this weekend getting more organized. That way I can really goof off more on the weekdays after work. Its so nice to come home from work and its still sunny out. Makes me want to go out after work, ooooh like happy hour....mmmmm beer.