It's amazing how many people still don't get it. I remember not long ago, before the election hearing someone actually mention abortion as the number one issue in the election, as though George Bush was going to force this woman to have his baby if he won. Get over it. Over 1000 dead American soldiers and unknown number of dead Iraqis in a war based on bogus reasons, might be slightly more important. The government sanctioned use of torture and illegal detainment of prisoners might be a more important issue.
Clinton's speech was dead on and is the right approach. Reactionary liberals and reactionary conservatives will of course miss her point and stick to their die-hard stance. But most people will see it as common sense approach to a tough issue.
- Tell kids not to have sex. Abstain. I agree, promote it, 16 year olds dont have the brains to cope with sex. Aside from either abortions or unwanted pregnancies, we may see a drop in the number of STD's out there.
- So some kids won't listen, if so then use condoms AND the pill. Again we'll see less abortions and less unwanted pregnancies as well as fewer STD's. Plus when kids and adults act responsibly in regards to sex, they may actually begin to wonder how clean their one night stand might be.
- So some won't abstain and others won't use birth control. Or may the gods help the poor bastard who has a condom break or a girl who skips a pill. But aside from those there are the more serious issues of victims of sexual assualt and serious medical problems that may endanger a woman's life with a pregnancy. In these cases, well it's still legal so no worries.
The point is to narrow and reduce abortions. Make them few and far between. Bring back morals and responsibility to sex. A pack of condoms is still cheaper than a pack of diapers. And for those who argue "it breaks the mood" or "it doesn't feel the same" with a condom, well a baby screaming from his crib breaks the mood too.
Between Barbara Boxer taking on Condoleeza Rice and Hillary Clinton staking out a sensible platform on abortion, I am beginning to think some Democrats do indee have the backbone necessary to revive the party.