Friday, July 11, 2003

Ok, so it's been awhile. I have been sick, and then busy with my computer. Having problems again. This time I am determined to find out where the problem is and fix it. Although right now I am sidetracked as I am just in awe of the beauty of Angelina Jolie. She is talking to Barbara Walters, and damn she is so gorgeous and yet oh so f*cked up. Damaged beyond belief. It's interesting that she can talk about so much of the pain she has caused herself, yet she still doesn't seem to have a full understanding out it. But she certainly is more open and honest than most Performers I have seen. You can just sense that she is quite sincere about what she says and for all the crazy things she does, it doesn't seem to be about making waves and getting attention, as much as just doing as she wants and living a free life. And while I wouldn't suggest everyone cuts themselves, or lives life so free they scarify their bodies, I certainly respect how she explains it. Maybe it doesn't hurt that she is very beautiful too.