Monday, June 30, 2003

I was thinking that for a brief period of time people married for love, and made their choices based on that. Certainly not all people, but for a bried time in the West there was a romantic notion that you should love the person you will spend the rest of your life with. And as divorce rates have risen, and alternatives to marriage have become more commonplace, the value of loving the person you marry has seemed to slip away. It makes sense that if you are going to get divorced sooner or later anyway, or that fidelity in marriage just doesnt exist, then why not get something out of it. Oh and I am not talking about alimony. No, in this new era we have a new breed of arranged marriages and dowry, thanks to Television. Sure its better than marrying off your daughter for a herd of goats, and why not compete to marry a stranger for some money, then just get divorced later. But is this really where we want to go back to? It's not like an out and out Domestic partnership or cohabitation, where the legal and religious contract has been entered into FOREVER. I say hey make those arrangements. But when you enter into a contract before your community, your god(s), and your state, shouldn't that be taken seriously? Granted things happen, people change/grow. But just for the out and out sake of entertainment? My new idea for a tv show is couples who cant have kids, and they compete in games to win babies. Or the other direction, call it Orphanage Olympics, where say 10 orphans, aged 5-7(the next seasons would of course increase the age group) they compete to be adopted by a nice white couple in the suburbs who will ply their new child with toys and money.
Oh I am really onto something. The possibilities are endless.
Stayed home from work today. I really hate to miss work, not because I enjoy it so much, but because there is always so much more to do when I return. That and just the sense that as I am at home, things need my attention at work...I was watching AMC and they are advertising a special on Hollywood and the Muslim World. How Hollywood or rather American films create a certain idea or images of American life, values, culture, etc. It is a good concept, I will be curious if they do it well. I would like to see the comparison made between the objections that Muslims have to American culture and the objections that Conservative American Christians have about American culture. It is so easy for most Americans to wonder why Muslims, or anyone from another culture would object to having American culture shoved down their throats. Yet we have people in this country worry about sex and violence in video games, the media, music. Why shouldnt Muslims have similar objections? I can't imagine that any group of people wants their culture to become subordinate or diluted by another culture. And as it is impossible to just simply put up walls and prevent the spread of another culture, it is possible for each group of people to look at their own culture and determine if it truly represents who they are, and who they wish to be.

Sunday, June 29, 2003

Voice is still shot. Just took some Nyquil and in a few minutes will be fast asleep. I didn't take any last night and didn't get a good night's sleep. Dreamt a lot and woke up every couple hours. Poor sleep is usually when I actually remember my dreams. Otherwise, I almost never do unless its one of a few of my recurring nightmares. But being nearly emotionally dead for almost a year or more, I dont have nightmares anymore. I wanted to focus on cleaning the garage again this weekend. I will have even more to do next weekend. I have already begun the preliminary search for an apartment. Time for bed.