I may have to move to Canada if Bush wins the election this year. It always amazes me that Republicans complain about Big Government and Federal Government. Yet they will create laws to legislate our behavior. This FCC thing is really pissing me off. I used to love listening to Howard Stern, until he separated from his wife, then he seemed to have lost what made him so funny. The married guy who didn't cheat on his wife, but had tons of hot women always naked on his show. For the most part I like his brand of humor. I don't dig fart jokes, I usually like more thoughtful humor. And I wouldn't want my children to listen to his show and if they did at a friend's house, I sure as hell wouldn't let them emulate his behavior. But I do not need the government to protect my children from someone on a radio show talking about farts and poop. Keep Al-Queda from bombing my place of work, keep 14yr old boys from shooting up my kids schools, clean up the streets and neighborhoods of drugs and crime. Take care of that shit first.
It is so typical to go after something symbolic that requires very little real effort.
My parents almost never cursed in our home, they didn't drink except on New Year's Day and their anniversary, and only one drink each or they'd share a drink. But they let us watch horror movies at a young age, they let us watch violent movies at a young age, some movies even had nudity. I used to read Truely Tasteless jokes in 4th grade, I knew every curse word by then, some that my peers didn't know. And for all I had seen or heard at a young age, my parents instilled in us the values and the knowledge of how to properly behave. Even at my advanced age, I still don't curse in front of my parents. I know how to behave and act in different situations. They taught us that. Government didn't stop me from learning about sex from magazines or cable. But my parents taught me how to behave like a civilized human being. And you can't legislate behavior. It doesn't work. The best chance you have is educating parents, and educating children in schools and more importantly by modeling the behaviors you expect in others.
And society is always changing. It isn't always good, or comfortable. There was a time when bra commercials were just a spokeswoman showing a huge cross-your-heart bra on a mannequin. Now we have Victoria's Secret commercials and tv specials. Not that I mind, hehheh. But it is an example of this change in attitudes and what is acceptable. Movies have become more graphic with violence than ever before. I wish people weren't slowly becoming more rude or crude. Being polite and civil is not important to most people anymore. I miss that, and it does cause me concern. But I don't want the government to tell me what I can and can't listen to or see. That responsibility belongs to parents.
In a "free market" (which Republicans value so much) we can let the consumers decide. Let individuals write letters or boycott 7-11 if they don't remove Penthouse from their shelves. Don't buy tickets to Braveheart or Pulp Fiction if you don't approve of violence or profanity in movies. Write in to ABC and protest their showing of lingerie shows. That will cause change.
Also teach your children right from wrong. Tell them to say please and thank you, not to talk with their mouth full of food, to chew with their mouth closed, to open doors for others, to let people in front of them on the freeway when you see a turn signal, when you do cut in the freeway hold your hand up in a high five or a peace sign to say thanks, don't talk so loud when on your cell phone in an elevator....list goes on and on....but ultimately teach your children and those around you to "Do unto others as you would have other do unto you."
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Me so sleepy. Well past my bedtime but i had lots o' fun. Another St. Patrick's Day put to rest. I can pack my green shoes up until next year. Yes green shoes. Green suede Doc Martens from way back in the day when I used to sell em to lil wanna be punks. Anyhoo I am off to bed. I hope everyone had a happy St. Patrick's Day. I always miss my grandma on this day. She was a good lady and always took care of her favorite grandson. Yeah you heard me I was her favorite. Hell I am everyone's favorite because I am such a damn nice guy.
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
I have been listening to old songs (80's) that bring up memories and emotions of nostalgic sadness. For some reason I have been doing this lately. I can't ever really figure it out. Some of these songs aren't necessarily depressing or anything they just dredge up bittersweet memories or not even specific memories but just feelings. It's odd because at times I will listen to some hard angry rock like Rollins Band or some sweet thoughtful relaxing music like Chris Isaak. But those are feelings in the present. I never understood my mom's love of old music, or the way lots of our parents never "grew" into modern musical tastes. But it seems to make sense to me as I get older. A lot of the songs and artists I have always liked and liked to listen to every now and then. Even when I was 21 I would listen to this stuff and fondly/sadly look back at 4th grade or other episodes of my life. I know I must be forgetting some songs/bands, perhaps I should start taking requests so I can build my music wishlist. My book and movie wishlists are already huge, but I haven't started one for music in over 15 years.
All I know is that sooner or later I will have to break down and buy one of those 80's compilation cd's and be told what 80's music to listen to instead of choosing my own songs.
Richard Blade would be proud.
All I know is that sooner or later I will have to break down and buy one of those 80's compilation cd's and be told what 80's music to listen to instead of choosing my own songs.
Richard Blade would be proud.
Monday, March 15, 2004
Some people are estimating that Mel Gibson stands to make about $300 million dollars for himself after all is said and done with the Passion of the Christ. Wow. Gutsy move on his part. And it paid off for him. I respect that about the man. Say what you will about the movie or his religious views but that is a something I admire. I am sure that the sequel will make even more money.
I watched AutoFocus tonight, the movie about Bob Crane of Hogan's Heroes fame. Greg Kinnear did an excellent job and Dafoe was really good as the creepy friend. The movie was good. The last half dragged on and was stale and dry, but I think that was the point because it detailed his fall from fame and the feeling of the last half just connected so well with his life towards the end. The man was seriously addicted to sex. I thought I liked boobies and naked chicks, but this man was insane. And with all the picture taking and videos. Sad. It was funny because the priest in the movie talked about temptation and the need to remove oneself from temptation. I have always argued against that. It is my belief that only in temptation can one be sure of the strength to resist temptation. However it was this very reasoning of avoiding temptation that created so many ascetic monks and hermits. Ahhh the life of a hermit. Yo ho yo ho a hermit's life for me.
I watched AutoFocus tonight, the movie about Bob Crane of Hogan's Heroes fame. Greg Kinnear did an excellent job and Dafoe was really good as the creepy friend. The movie was good. The last half dragged on and was stale and dry, but I think that was the point because it detailed his fall from fame and the feeling of the last half just connected so well with his life towards the end. The man was seriously addicted to sex. I thought I liked boobies and naked chicks, but this man was insane. And with all the picture taking and videos. Sad. It was funny because the priest in the movie talked about temptation and the need to remove oneself from temptation. I have always argued against that. It is my belief that only in temptation can one be sure of the strength to resist temptation. However it was this very reasoning of avoiding temptation that created so many ascetic monks and hermits. Ahhh the life of a hermit. Yo ho yo ho a hermit's life for me.
Sunday, March 14, 2004
Ah another relaxing Sunday has come to an end.
Alias---An average episode. The whole thing seemed a bit rushed. I hope they put Sark down for good. It is amazing how many times they capture the guy and he gets away. At least Jack got to kill someone. He may be a distant and somewhat unemotional father, but could you imagine how cool it would be to have a dad that you could always 100% say to your friends "my dad can kill your dad." No one would mess with you at school.
Listening to music as I often do before bed. It usually gets me thinking or rather feeling certain things that cause me to think. Right now I am wondering why I don't just make the committment to being a hermit. So long as I had cable tv and the internet, my books and music, I could lead a relatively peaceful and happy existence. I'd even get a dog. That would be it. Just live in a cabin somewhere out of the way and just BE. When I express these thoughts and feelings, some friends tend to ask if I would feel lonely. And the truth is I would. But when those same friends also tell me how they envy my life, without attachments and I see some of the troubles in their relationships, I realize that it can be just as lonely IN a relationship. Sometimes more lonely. We are born alone and we die along. There really is no way around that. Yet we are by nature a social animal and we even institutionalize this need by creating a lifelong bond (well it used to be lifelong for some people anyway). Hell this need is so great homosexual couples in America are trying to have that same opportunity. Yet it really is becoming obvious that the "institution" of marriage is a relic and crumbling along with so many other old traditions such as taking care of the elderly in one's family, or keeping an eye on your children, hell even keeping an eye out for your neighbors kids. Today who even knows their neighbors, let alone would scold someone elses child for doing something. Hillary was right, it does take a village to raise a child. Hell more and more homes don't even have both parents or else they have some weird mix of step kids and parents. The trend really is the continuing decay of nearly thousands of years of traditional family structure. Talk about a major revolution. And it is funny because the conservative folks talk about preserving marriage and family by resisting the acceptance of gay marriage. It's like hanging on to a torn and shredded blanket when someone else wants it for warmth. You know what, it is pretty much useless so why not just give it up and get some goodwill in exchange.
And this isnt a repeat rant about gay marriage. The real subject on my mind is the whole lifelong relationship thing and how it's pretty much over. Or at least on it's last legs. Give it one hundred years and the whole idea of getting married ONCE and staying with that person until death does part you, the whole thing will be some quaint ancient cultural tradition. And if you think I am wrong ask yourself how you view a dowry or arranged marriages. Both of those are tradtions that lasted for thousands of years. Pretty much nonexistant in the modern Western world. Ask yourself what you think when we hear about a family in Africa that married their daughter to the man who gave 40 goats to the brides father. Or what do you think when you hear about the two kids who at age 7 were betrothed to each other somewhere in Asia? That used to be a standard practice across the world, even in Western society.
The funny thing is, I do like the idea of a lifelong companion, a woman who I may raise a family with, who I can share my thoughts with, build a life together, connect with, have adventures and experiences together. Someone who has different interests that would complement my own. Oh and of course she would have a hot body and I would never tire making love to her.
Sounds good. But the hermit thing really is much less complicated and more realisitic.
Alias---An average episode. The whole thing seemed a bit rushed. I hope they put Sark down for good. It is amazing how many times they capture the guy and he gets away. At least Jack got to kill someone. He may be a distant and somewhat unemotional father, but could you imagine how cool it would be to have a dad that you could always 100% say to your friends "my dad can kill your dad." No one would mess with you at school.
Listening to music as I often do before bed. It usually gets me thinking or rather feeling certain things that cause me to think. Right now I am wondering why I don't just make the committment to being a hermit. So long as I had cable tv and the internet, my books and music, I could lead a relatively peaceful and happy existence. I'd even get a dog. That would be it. Just live in a cabin somewhere out of the way and just BE. When I express these thoughts and feelings, some friends tend to ask if I would feel lonely. And the truth is I would. But when those same friends also tell me how they envy my life, without attachments and I see some of the troubles in their relationships, I realize that it can be just as lonely IN a relationship. Sometimes more lonely. We are born alone and we die along. There really is no way around that. Yet we are by nature a social animal and we even institutionalize this need by creating a lifelong bond (well it used to be lifelong for some people anyway). Hell this need is so great homosexual couples in America are trying to have that same opportunity. Yet it really is becoming obvious that the "institution" of marriage is a relic and crumbling along with so many other old traditions such as taking care of the elderly in one's family, or keeping an eye on your children, hell even keeping an eye out for your neighbors kids. Today who even knows their neighbors, let alone would scold someone elses child for doing something. Hillary was right, it does take a village to raise a child. Hell more and more homes don't even have both parents or else they have some weird mix of step kids and parents. The trend really is the continuing decay of nearly thousands of years of traditional family structure. Talk about a major revolution. And it is funny because the conservative folks talk about preserving marriage and family by resisting the acceptance of gay marriage. It's like hanging on to a torn and shredded blanket when someone else wants it for warmth. You know what, it is pretty much useless so why not just give it up and get some goodwill in exchange.
And this isnt a repeat rant about gay marriage. The real subject on my mind is the whole lifelong relationship thing and how it's pretty much over. Or at least on it's last legs. Give it one hundred years and the whole idea of getting married ONCE and staying with that person until death does part you, the whole thing will be some quaint ancient cultural tradition. And if you think I am wrong ask yourself how you view a dowry or arranged marriages. Both of those are tradtions that lasted for thousands of years. Pretty much nonexistant in the modern Western world. Ask yourself what you think when we hear about a family in Africa that married their daughter to the man who gave 40 goats to the brides father. Or what do you think when you hear about the two kids who at age 7 were betrothed to each other somewhere in Asia? That used to be a standard practice across the world, even in Western society.
The funny thing is, I do like the idea of a lifelong companion, a woman who I may raise a family with, who I can share my thoughts with, build a life together, connect with, have adventures and experiences together. Someone who has different interests that would complement my own. Oh and of course she would have a hot body and I would never tire making love to her.
Sounds good. But the hermit thing really is much less complicated and more realisitic.
I have finally decided to go back to teaching. It is a gorgeous day out today and I look forward to having summers off again and just tooling around town with not a care in the world. It is a glorious feeling to be out while the rest of the world works. Go to a movie at 11am on a Wednesday. Or sit out on a patio having lunch near the beach with the sun on my face. Just thinking about it makes me feel years younger. Plus in addition to the free time, it will feel good to have purpose again and contribute to the progress of mankind. Hey it's the only way I can justify my existence here. With no belief in heaven or hell, that leaves me with the knowledge that this is all we have. And if that is the case, then to give my life purpose, I too need to believe in something greater than myself. For me that is the continued progress of humankind. And if i can teach and guide young people to think for themselves, I am confident that they will make the right decisions for themselves.
And the fewer drug addled, uneducated people out there will mean a better society. Holding back the tide of decay is something I have always wanted to do. Surely no one person can do it on their own, but if we all put our fingers in the dyke we can hold that tide back.
Not to mention bring a smile to the dyke.
And the fewer drug addled, uneducated people out there will mean a better society. Holding back the tide of decay is something I have always wanted to do. Surely no one person can do it on their own, but if we all put our fingers in the dyke we can hold that tide back.
Not to mention bring a smile to the dyke.
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