Thursday, August 14, 2003

No power in the Northeast US. A major power outage was bound to happen sooner or later. Though I had figured it would be in the western US like a few years back. When that happened, i think in 96 or so, that wasn't much of a surprise either. In college I had to do a group paper on the CA PUC (Publick Utilities Commission) and the then possible deregulation of the electric industry. It was a shock to learn how messed up our power grids are and how in some instances the loss of one small plant could affect several states. The whole way we generate and deliver power needs an overhaul. I just keep waiting for fuel cell development to progress to the point where we won't need to rely on one single line in the middle of the desert to send power to millions of people in an entire region. Ah well by then our summers will be even hotter thanks to Global Warming, and if you don't believe it exists, ask the British who just had the hottest day in their recorded history.

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