Thursday, April 29, 2004

Addiction is a terrible thing. Right now I am in that addiction phase with this game. It is a lot of fun. I meant to write a little something about what a hot day it was Sunday, but the sudden warmth also caused the Jasmine to bloom everywhere. Monday when I walked out to my car to go to work I could smell it in the air and sure enough I saw the Jasmine had blossomed. I love Jasmine, we used to have a wall of our old house covered with it right before the front door and during summer nights it would just drift in through the windows. In my twisted ways and thoughts, Jasmine plays into one of my figures of speech about the loveliness of a woman. If I see a certain woman that strikes a certain chord in me, I think "I'd love to make love to her in a field of Jasmine." Which is not that good if you have ever seen Jasmine because while it does grow on vines, like grape vines the base is woody and is made of branches before the vines spread. And that would hurt. But that's really beside the point. The point is when I smell Jasmine, especially in cool night air, the scent just lifts me into a sense of euphoria that almost feels like heaven.

Ok, back to my game before I have to go to bed.

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