Monday, June 14, 2004

I think the tide is beginning to turn against Bush jr. More and more it seems as though things are falling apart for the Bush Administration. Now Michael Moore has finally found someone to distribute his latest movie, "Fahrenheit 9/11" due out on June 25th. I think it's great that the movie is able to get out there before the election. Which of course is part of Moore's goal. At times he can be a little scary with his rabid chase of certain issues. It can even be very off-putting. But then I remember that at least he is out there saying things that other people just won't speak out about. Of course sooner or later if people will tune him out. I think a large part of it is image. But even if he were a clean cut guy who dressed decently, his message still makes some people actually think. And most people don't like to think. They like to be told what to believe in. Having to choose between different beliefs or viewpoints usually cause great anxiety.
Luckily Moore is not the only one speaking out. Retired General David Hackworth has the experience and credentials to keep most sane people from questioning his patriotism.
Of course everyone has their own agenda, and that is why most people just choose to stick to one viewpoint. On one side we have the "Reagan is evil" group and on the other we have that group that believes, as my roommate put it "Reagan shits gold and his farts smell like peppermint."
Nothing is ever just that absolute.
Oh, except for the fact that Bush jr. is a nutjob. That is just a fact.

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