Monday, November 15, 2004

Well I have removed the Vote for Kerry link. And I couldn't have picked a better day, more fighting in Fallujah, the Alaskan Oil Reserve has been opened up, and Colin Powell, probably the only person in the Bush Administration with any sense, has (unfortunately Or not) resigned. It was a matter of time, how much more could he stomach. It's bittersweet really. I mean here is this very loyal man with a strong sense of what the country should be doing, yet he can't speak up and by all accounts, when he does, he is treated with disrespect and pushed aside in favor of the Chicken-Hawks.
It would have been nice if he resigned in protest a few years ago. Or in some deluded way, some of us would like him to stay and be the voice of reason. Yet that certainly seems so futile, that it would only further crush his spirits.
And to top it off the talk is that Condoleeza Rice, Bush's biggest lackey will replace him. Anyone in the intelligence community that was in charge either during 9/11 or the invasion of Iraq should NOT be allowed to move up, hell she should have resigned along with former CIA Director George Tenet. And Take Rumsfeld with her.
This would be the ultimate of stupid moves for Bush. No world leader could possibly respect her knowing her position as a yes man. And hey, I don't care, the position is called yes man even if you are a woman.
Just wait until he starts appointing Supreme Court Justices. Thats when the real fun begins.

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